This'n That ... Chez Ilona

Monday, January 31, 2011


So January is just about over! and we have just began a new year...isn't amazing how fast time goes by and we always feel like we didn't see it, or just didn't do all that we needed to to!... And as we get older it seems it is even going faster and faster!?
I feel totally overwhelmed and somewhat frustrated because I haven't been able to do all I needed and wanted to have done!  Is it because we expect so much from ourselves, or because we set our goal way too high? 
In either case the fact is that time is such a fleeing thing and we do have to keep track of our seconds and minutes every second!!! The thing is though that sometimes we just want to do nothing and we feel like we deserve that time, after all we always coming and going so if we just relax for this little bit it won't matter! But, then again, if we allow ourselves that relaxing moment something won't get done!

What a difficult equation!  it seems we are doomed to be a slave to the clock ticking!

two grown boys and you would think that your task is over...

I was in a condition, as a missionary to my church, that required of me to constantly keep tract of time and set goals and priorities!  Ever since then it have just become a habit to set priorities and goals!  if something doesn't get done today, it goes high up the list for the next day's priorities!
As the years have gone by, and the boys have grown up and life has come to a different set of priorities and demands, and I found myself with more time in my hands to do the things I have always wanted to do it now becomes a challenge to get those things done...

 hubby loves to play Santa... he lets his beard and hair grow especially for being Santa
 good friends sure bring joy to our lives... here is Lídia and kids, my dear Italian friend!

 and life is good when you have the right person next to you!

So here is the question, how do you motivate yourself and keep focused  to achieve those things? especially when the only person who expects anything from your is yourself?

Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions!?

Monday, January 24, 2011

nature bounty

I really love my little piece on earth... I 've planted many trees plus the ones already here part of a native forest now protected by law.  I have avocados, oranges, tangerines, lemons ( 2 different kinds), acerola --a little fruit cherry like with a vit C content higher than oranges or lemons, delicious to eat like cherries or to make juice usually it is combined with orange or such-- I've just got some grape vines which are going to be planted shortly, sugar cane, pomegranate, jabuticaba -- a little fruit that grows on the bark of the tree which I have already posted here, peach, banana and mulberry... I love to walk around the garden eating from the trees.   I have two big banana bunches on the trees and another just filling up...they will soon be ready to be cut from the trees.

Here you can see the acerola fruit and tree... the tree is 4 years old and this year it really filled up and we can't keep up with it.  It's such a pretty little fruit, and when it is ripe on the tree it's a most beautiful red !

Friday, January 21, 2011

a new bag and another little girl's dress

Fait mains pour moi!!  no patterns.... just cut as I went along!

some crochet to add some charm, rosettes and a fast, some quilting on the fabric and of course some sewing using some cute ribbons!

and a couple of dresses, a headband and a bag to match all --  for a cute little girl, my friend's daughter!!!

here is some quick embroidery in satin and chain stich

some fun and soft summer cotton ... easy and nice to work on... a little dress can be made very quickly and make the day for a little girl!
also... no patterns...just some cutting along the way!!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

gorgeous photos

Today I visit and saw this....

 and the colors just fascinated me!!!!

go visit and see for yourself her beautiful work!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Velvet & Linen

This a beautiful blog on house decor and planning,
with shabby items and whatnots.... very classy!
Just the style I like

Velvet & Linen

Creation Corner

This one cool blog.... there is a show case for those who wish to share the things they work on every week... Creation Friday...and there in one place you can see tutorials and ideas for all kinds of creations and handmade artifacts !! Those of you out there who have little ones will have all kinds of ideas at hand!! go check it out!

Creation Corner

Friday, January 7, 2011


As we begin a new year, reflections on the past one flood my mind. 
The many lessons learned, disappointments and the how life sometimes pay us some tricks!
But we must move on, and take the best out of it!
One word comes to mind  GRATITUDE!
How grateful I am regardless of the hardships and pains,
I  am still a beloved daughter of a dear Father who does not lead me astray.
I am thankful for my my faith, the hope, 
the courage His teachings instill in my heart and core!
This alone is enough to deal with all else, 
but He also blesses me with all that I need!
So I wish to start this new year with this idea... 
Be thankful !!!
All else will come from this alone!

Thank you all who have come by for a visit !

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Jenny of ELEFANTZ - give away

 Jenny of ELEFANTZ

Jenny from Australia is giving away to 2 lucky ones these 2 block patterns, one each;

 for that you need to skip to her blog and see the instructions!
These blocks are part of a quilt she is getting published for the Spring/Summer issue of the magazine in Australia!

She also has other things in her blog... all pretty stitching and plus... worth a visit!


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