This'n That ... Chez Ilona

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

I know Christmas is over, but!!!

Well, holidays are over, and our minds are into the new goals and new projects to e achieved this year!! That's just the way we do things!
But after a very frustrating Christmas plans flop, and as a goal to be achieved, I have decided to get started with Christmas now!!! get things done now... one month at a time...and maybe, just maybe I might not get  caught with the conflicts that keep me from having the Christmas holidays I wish for!!

Blogging today I found this at skiptomylou
these cute birdies can be used in an infinite way, but here it is an advent calendar... they are adorable and lend themselves to so many different occasions that I think I want to try them...and there are a whole bunch of ideas where these came cuter than the other!!
I think that those mommies with lil ones might find it fun to work them with them lil people and have a lot of fun preparing for Christmas!

Worth checking them out!!!


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