This'n That ... Chez Ilona

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Wow...I just realized  that I haven't been here for awhile...
too much going on in my heart and soul, and life of course!! 
 But we have just arrived in the 
spring time and it is such a wonderful time of the year!! 
 It makes it all fun and nice, 
so I will work harder to come around,
 and keep my memories and good things in my pages!!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

a very cute thing!!

Well... I just found out about the thing
 I missed....I didn't realize how time had gone by....!!!  
There was a wonderful moment of      

the patchwork show in the city of São Paulo, 
and I found someone who had pictures 
from there...good and pretty things... !!!

She placed lots of pictures from different 
people in the expositions!!  Good to see!!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

and another month...going to fast!!

Well time was has been fast and fast!  I can't never do all I wish!!  but here comes our new Fall period...and what usually doesn't happen until the end of the period we just had a cold couple of days and rain!!  what a surprise and new weather all of a sudden !!

But so is life... but I'm happy for those of you up north from us... Spring is there, and everyone is happy with spring time!!

This last week we had the passing on of a man who was loved by the whole people in Brazil...his programs where always on the people who acted in funny, crazy, silly, dummy, terrible, and all kinds possible ... he had over 200 people represented in his programs!!  Chico Anysio!!  came to Rio from the northeast and stayed there where he became a great person in many things!!  people were sad for his goodbye, but it was said his story and art will remain and loved for ever!!

Here is Chico Anysio -- all his activities and his talks about his programs and life!!

But something that I found here today... a great cooking of delicious deserts and stuff!!

And time to go ... work to do!!  hope you enjoy !!

Monday, March 19, 2012

a hard time

Wow!!! it's been so long!!  

Well, life has been getting back to normal after the time I was 
so much into getting better from last year, and now things
 are getting back to normal life 
and working with the many things I need to do...
 not being able to get started on my sawing and all!! 

 Hope to get back there soon!!  
One thing to keep me away from my writing is also the many 
things here I love to is hard to not do all the time...
but it is also so many good things ...  

So here it is some of the things I have found everywhere
 and these ideas can help me create some of my own!

I like the ideas, colors, shapes...much to think about!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

so cute and fun!!

I just found her typepad....and it's just wonderful!! 
 A beautiful family and a lady with a lot of cute work 
done by her she started not too long ago...and 
for the first time she ever did!!  
I loved her work and ideas!!

If you go see it I think you'll like it too!!

We are now getting ready for Easter!! So are they!!

Friday, February 24, 2012

time is fast!!

Wow!! it's almost March!!!  time has gone fast, too fast, and not time to do all I desire! 
 I miss being here more often and seeing all the nice sings from so many wonderful ladies!
It is a challenge to do all the things that need
 to be done and not enough time to do the thinks we love to do! 
 But here we are, and yes, so many beautiful things that we are able to see 
now in this wonderful blogs...thank you all for your beautiful things!!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

a great blog

I have been busy with so many things and it takes my time away from here...
but I just found this blog, and it is a very good one !!  
It started only last year with all kinds of things of learning and seeing good ideas!!

So have fun!!

About Stitch Craft Create Magazine


Some of home flowers!  

They last a long time even off the plant!




Sunday, February 12, 2012

beautiful and fun!!'s been a long time!!!  I have been working a lot this last month... several long translations and this capt me busy with little time for the good things of being here!!  This is just a short one but something I just found and loved it...!

Will share it here so I can go back and learn the many she has there!!
    -- Sachico --   has all kinds of different things ands lots of good ideas!!!  I loved her!!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

the wonderful sound!!

Today I was able to hear to a very beautiful and loving song by 
the Tabernacle Choir and Andrea Bocelli from youtube!!!  
As we hear to this wonderful song we can feel 
the power of God and His great love! 

There so many beautiful songs and hymns with great and up lifting songs! 
I just love to listen to them!
I hope it may be a blessing and  
a loving feeling to all who hears to these songs!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

a new year at work!!

So we are almost getting at the end of the month!!  
a longer period and the new year moments! 
Lots of hope and planning for the year.  
Every year this is our hope and plan...the year we can do better! 
This feeling is something I have had ever since 
I can remember...always happy for the year past...
and all the things I was able to accomplish and happy 
with the new year hope and new things to come!

This time is a time for thinking and planning, 
and this year as I look back I feel something 
that I never felt or thought about before
...the knowledge that life goes fast and we get older!!
   Not because I feel older, but because my birthday
is getting to ages I never thought of!!

What I have now in mind is to be wise and work
to use my time the best and most use full !! 
because time is going by faster and things 
have changed and more changed than when I was young
...things didn't feel that had changed to much...
but these last 10 // 20 years all has changed!  

Things haven't changed in my way of thinking or doing, 
but around me and what has happened all over the world!!!   
I know now that things are faster everywhere and if we do not plan our time
and plans we will lose the time!  

The thing that really made a difference on my life are the good friends I had and have
...some so far...some very close...
and best thing I see know is how the new systems of contact and pictures
allows us to see and talk/write our friends and not feel as if we had lost them!!  
This is out makes me so happy today!!   

This is Summer Time
our beautiful flowers around our home!


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After a very happy and very busy new year month I am happy for
the new hopes and new things to do!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

a beautiful and fun work!!

Cinderberry Stitches from Australia

I have seen many of her works before, and she was in the US for the just wonderful things in the International Quilt Market 2011.

A huge place with people from every where !  A place with very wonderful people talents!
It is a place where we can learn and learn and learn about so many things!

Have fun with it!!  -- Cinderberry-Stitches

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

so we are in the 2012!!!

This last couple of days were our new 2012 year!!  We had terrible rain on the 31/12 and on the 01/01/12...lots of rain... we stayed home and enjoyed being together happy for the new year coming and hopping for all the things we wish and would love to do!!  This is what makes the year special, the opportunity of planing and doing things..if not finished...replacing and improving in the next year!!

And this new year started already with new opportunities and chances of doing new things!!  A great thing is to be able to plan and do!

I have been busy, and not able to work on my fun things, sewing, making crafts and all I have been here for a short time to see the beautiful people with their beautiful many of wonderful and good things done!!  This makes it even a more difficult challenge...I love seeing what they do and all the beautiful blog places!!  Amazing, so thank you all for your wonderful things!!

This month I am going to try and work a plan where I can be here and do things, see the blogs, and do all the other things I need to do!! such a challenge... !!!

But wish you all a wonderful year, fool of opportunities and chances for all things...for all of us!!


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