This'n That ... Chez Ilona

Sunday, January 2, 2011

so the new year is here... it's 2011!!

I hope everyone had a good time during the holidays!  with lots of love and happiness among dear ones!

New hopes, new goals, new challenges... like the 1st day at school... new notebooks clean and crisp..ready to be written... isn't wonderful??? we can write whatever we wish!  it's up to us!
What are we going to do with it? the new time that's given us to experiment with?

There is so much I would like to do, and so many plans... I can't possible do all that I would ... but maybe, just maybe...if I'm very disciplined with my time and the things I will commit myself to I just might!
2010 was a very challenging year...all that I had planned and envisioned didn't come through... but it certainly was a year when I learned a lot about life and people, how we are so very vulnerable and in truth we are not in control !

So as we embark in this new journey I wish us all to be able to live and learn the lessons we need to learn, but enjoy the journey and life as well for it is such a gift!

And since my remodeling thing is not yet done... I have been busy with crochet and knitting, trying out and practicing new stitches... and I learned about Tunisian crochet which I found to be so cool... you crochet but it looks like knitting and full and closed knit!! loved it...

and also I have been looking into granny squares doing some research on patterns and looks..
found this at this Hungarian blog Annás... I like the rounds in it!

And here is a good tutorial for the Tunisian stitch
And I don't know how come this is the 1st I heard of this stitch.... I guess I didn't look hard enough before... 
this stitch is good for cuddly afghans and outwear garments...when you want to ward of the cold and wind!!
and then there is this other link

Have fun!



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