Well we are almost there...just another week and it will be our Christmas time!! I was thinking and trying to understand why I like it so much. I went back on times and the many years of Christmas activities, and I remembered the many times we met as all in the families, uncles, aunts, cousins, grandmother, all the kids who we were always doing things and the many activities during this special time in the year. I was always the time we spent more time together as relatives and friends when everyone worked to make it such a wonderful and happy time for everyone. I remember the adults, everybody moms, working to make it a special time and then at eating time I loved to see them together happy and friendly to one another, and of course I loved the kids, almost everybody in the same age, a lot of us, around 20 or so....we had so much good time and fun together. When Christmas was over everybody was on vacation from work and school until after Carnival in February, so we all went together to the beach were we stayed together until the end, doing anything possible together, beach, hunt, play, sing, eat, and all else possible...and our aunts where there with us, sometimes not too many aunts, but always the kids growing together...many years!! So Christmas was were it all started!!
As everyone got older and time together became harder because of school, work and other activities and all the responsible duties we stopped this wonderful time, but we always talk about it when we can meet and be together at this wonderful Christmas! We all had this wonderful memory of our dear cousins and relatives!
The sad part is how time and life today isn't the same. People still have the values and good things during Christmas, but somehow, back there, life was calm, the cities were secure, and everyone had a great love for this season! As a child we could all see how loving and surprising Christmas was, and how this was such a special time for everyone in the family!!
The importance was not the things we earned...all little things...but how much fun we had with each other! This is forever our memories as children!
And think of the good things we can do and that can happen!! as we have gratitude!!!