This'n That ... Chez Ilona

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

eille avec plaisir Mayeul and co vous acu

C'est un plaisir de visite c'est blog ci!! Il y a toujours des trés jolies choses!! Merci pour ça!

eille avec plaisir Mayeul and co vous acu


Browsing through the blogs today!!! This is so addicting!!!
and there are so many wonderful blogs!

Anyway!!, browsing I found this BEAUTIFUL shabby look garden decor and flower/fruit/vegetables arrangements!!

My visitors, you need to check this one out!!
Just lovely!


Monday, September 27, 2010

spring is really here!

So now we are officially in spring season and the weather has already turned; it's more humid and warmer, it has been raining and now all the plants have new buds, my maple tree is green again! But the best part is that we feel like being out and about!  The cold wind doesn't invite for being out.  Just came in from working in the garden a little bit!  it is such a pleasure to play with the plants!... another week and everything is going to look much better.

this little Timon - from King Lion - Tim-timhe doesn't want to let me sew!!! he wants to play!
Tim-tim and Cosmo (the cougar cat Brigham Young University mascot); they are brothers and the always liking each other!
this is older brother Simba, from King Lion! the furiest ball! the little brothers take him for a mom!! it's so funny!
more flowers from my garden

my peach tree... 2nd year, a small tree! this year is full of little fruit!  Let's see if they stay on!
this is one of three mulberry trees I have; they are 2 years old, and this year it is full of berries!! yummmyyy!!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

practical magic!

Today is the day all the witches are flying around ! People say in Brazil that August is the month for them to come out, and everything that comes out wrong is blamed on them!!  However, according to Celtic tradition, this event happens in the Night of All Hallows, Halloween night!
Well I want to go with the idea that ALL women have something of a Witch (quote from the movie).  Women are forever in the quest of conjuring a brew to make life around them enchanting and magical, or whimsical! Women enchant!  I rather be counted among the Good Witches! 
For two sisters from a family of witches, falling in love is the trickiest spell of all.
Quotes from the movie I love!
          aunt Frances
My darling girl, when are you going to realize that being normal is not necessarily a virtue? It rather denotes a lack of courage!
Can love really travel back in time and heal a broken heart? Was it our joined hands that finally lifted Maria's curse? I'd like to think so. But there are some things I know for certain: always throw spilt salt over your left shoulder, keep rosemary by your garden gate, plant lavender for luck, and fall in love whenever you can.

I believe that these gorgeous  little creatures are flying around my garden
helping me tend for all my beautiful flowers!

Sunday, September 19, 2010


I have just realized in a very clear way how my Hungarian heritage speaks out in my choices of colors and patterns in my drawing and designing!  Very interesting, since my Magyar experience comes only from my mother and the things we had around the house. Strong colors speak out to me... although I do like the shabby and pastels colors, every time I choose colors for my house I end up with reds, yellows and blues!

But here I have a bag made for my hubby, he wanted a bag to take to church, with the colors he chose. It has many partitions, one for his computer, and another for the books, a pencil holder, shoulder straps and handles, zippers and pockets.  It was fun working on it, and he is very pleased with it.  It is made of a strong 100% cotton similar to light jeans, easy to wash, and best of all it won't show if it gets dirty!
This came out fuzzy, but you can have an idea

a pocket with a pen/pencil slot

shouder strap and handles

zipper thingies

computer pocket with pads

second pocket

and a side view of the pockets

some twinkling

Since I heart my leg, ankle and foot, I had to rest with leg up... bending the knee was and still is a little painful... so sitting at my sewing machine wasn't an option, so I have been doing some crochet which will be used on some of the sewing I have planned, my bags, girls dresses, etc. I also am working on a rug.  I need to switch tasks because my thumb gets sore, so I have all of them going at the same time!
This a thicker and stronger floss, and it lends itself very for rug making; a very used item in the households, in the kitchen, bathroom and as door mats. Some are made very big either round or square for the living room.  In the summer they are a favorite because it can be easily washed and it keeps the house cool and fresh.  Installed carpets don't work so well for us because it is harder to clean and in the summer they make the house too hot.  In very humid places it may be a disease trap... due to mildew, so not very welcome.

Mine is not following a pattern, I don't like to follow patterns very much, so I'm just making it up as I go; this one will have an orange color next to the pink, then the natural again... and so on and so forth.
in these other ones I'm playing with the floss and the colors to see what I like most, and then work on details for my bags and girl's dresses and shirts

I tried to make the little flowers look like yo-yos


Saturday, September 11, 2010

Country Threads :: Country craft | Cross stitch | Quilts and projects

This is a sample of what I found in this site.. and if you want to know about some traditions and how some things came to be ... such as the Teddy Bear!!! take a pick!!

Wonderfully winsome words

Include these sayings on your stitcheries, gifts and cards, or just absorb their yuletide message.

  • "I like to take my Christmas a little at a time, all through the year." – David Grayson.
  • "Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love." – Hamilton Wright Mabie.
  • "I like the days when feathers are snowing and all the eaves have petticoats showing, and the air is cold, and the wires are humming, but you feel all warm with Christmas coming." – Aileen Fisher.
  • "Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me. Let there be peace on earth the peace that was meant to be." – Sy Miller and Jill Jackson
  • "’Tis a time for celebration in the company of others and a time for making magic now and then. ’Tis a playful time, a fun-filled time, a time of warmth and wonder – ’tis the season to be jolly once again!" – Jan Miller Girando
  • "There's a magic in the season, in the kindness we do, whether joys are shared with many or among a special few." – Jan Miller Girando
  • "Here we are as in olden days, happy golden days of yore. Faithful friends who are dear to us gather near us once more."


Country Threads :: Country craft | Cross stitch | Quilts and projects

Flea Market Style

Don't you just love to go to flee markets? Rummaging through all the old stuff and trying to see what it will be like in your house or in your yard? Or maybe imagining how it will look like after you do something to it? Maybe paint, or sand , or wax, or nothing at all ... just as is?
Well, I do... I love it... in fact my house is being built like that, a work in progress!!! for sure! but what I like the most about it is that my house is like no other... I don't like sameness; I do like character, personality, yourself ... so it reflects you (me)... thinks one likes, feels, or plainly is!!

well, there is this new magazine out, and it seems it had a good acceptance...take a look! The ladies seem to be having lots of fun with it! I wish I were closer to be a part of it in person!... oh, well... the magazine and the blog will have to do for now...

Flea Market Style

I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!!

On another note!!  I fell in my house... slid on a slick something and almost broke my knee ankle and foot!!  That was 2 weeks ago... boy! did it hurt! and consequently I was put to rest ... did a lot of crocheting though! have to take pics and post! 
But lots of my sewing is behind... and I had planned on working on lots of projects! c'est la vie!
In Brazil, crocheting is a big thing because it is a craft that requires very little and inexpensive and it is an easy skill to master.  So, one item that is very popular is the rug making; it is make of packing string and it can be done on very thick string, or a thinner one .... it comes in a variety of textures and colors!
I love them because they are very sturdy, stand lots of washings, therefore they last a long time and you always have clean rugs very easily, if the washing machine does the work that is!
My house is always open, windows and doors, for I love the sun shining in and the fresh air coming in, and of course it is bound to get dusty since we live in a country like place, and the wind sometimes blows strong bringing in leaves and whatnots!

 Since I was now bound to a chair and legs up on a rest, crocheting seemed like a good idea, and so I decided to take up rug making which I had never done!  My 1st one didn't come out as I wanted because I wasn't used to the string... it is rather thick and my hand was sore at first.  Soon I got the hang of it, but the turning around was trickier since the string doesn't give like yarn does. It came out ok though!

Now I am working on a second one, and this time I'm putting a little color on it, unlike the popular trend which is the string natural color, and most people used the same patterns... it isn't finished yet but it is beginning to look nice!  pics soon in a following post!

Ah, and I am glad to say that my leg is getting better... I can't stand too long or even stay on it for too long.. but I'm able to walk without crutches now...they are a bother...

Bye for now!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

from France

taken from the blog....take a tour to see some very nice pictures and places~~

Un Coeur en Provence: Recevoir

bon voyage!

la trés jolie visage de France

un trés trés charmant blog


I love love how the French bloggers present their blogs and their gorgeous pictures of the little nooks and corners of beautiful France, more especially Provence, I love the colors and the beautiful decor!!!

Merci beacoup mes cheres amies de France!! Je vous aime bien!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Give Thanks Stitch-A-Long - Projects - Complete Craft

This is a great challenge for me, I don't know what to do first. I love following everybody's blogs, and there are so many wonderful blogs!! so many beautiful things,,, I want to do them all... wchich humanly impossible... I want to blog on my own... I want to work on all my UFOs, and I want to start new projects!!... and all the other thigns we have to do on our everyday lives... 24 hrs is not enough!!!!!!!!!

But I found this cute quilt with all the designs for stitching and putting it together... I think you lady girls will like it!! Just click on it!

Give Thanks Stitch-A-Long - Projects - Complete Craft

Friday, September 3, 2010

spring has sprung!!!!!!!

Well, we are 2 weeks off spring official start, but everything feels and smells like spring... plants are getting new blooms and leaves, sun and bright and warm and nights aren't as cold...however we haven't had rain in a long fact August was the driest in 67 years, unusual for us here! we live in a water reservoir area exactly because it rains more than other places and these reservoirs (3) source the city of SP and the south of the state somewhat!  So it has been very dried, but after having lived in Texas, more exactly near the Mexican border by Del Rio, dry is not a new word for me!  boy! it was hot and dry over there... we were by the green river, but even so .... dry dry dry and we faced the Mexican desert ...

Spring for us only means more plants and flowers... different flowers, some like the colder weather better, others the humid and hot air!

my maple tree is the only tree to have lost all its leaves ... 
and now look at the branches with new sprouts... gorgeous, tiny, fresh green hues! 

this cute little flower blooms in clusters, and they look like
starts which in the evening leave the air sweet and pretty!


this little orchid blooms only at this time of yeart,
and it also smells sweet and pretty

it is a true joy for me to wake to these beauties every morning, even on a gloomy day they make all look bright, and of course they have all kinds of birdies flying around and savoring their sweetness!


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